"Emily shares her success with her clients in her coaching programs, and has helped many single women find the man of their dreams a LOT sooner than they would have without her help.
If you're tired of being single and you feel like NOW IS THE TIME to
But I knew that I didn't want to settle for just any man in my life. I didn't want to repeat the heartbreak I had just experienced. Could I really expect to find my "knight in shining armor" for real this time?
I was determined in that very instant to believe it was all possible, regardless of what others might say.
And the decision was made: I knew I needed to be the most amazing woman I could possibly be, so that having kind of man I wanted in my life could become reality.
That's when I read everything I possibly could about how to become a better woman. I even got a gym membership and a personal trainer.
To be sure, I had made the decision not to settle for anyone less than my "Prince Charming". I was very busy learning valuable (and difficult) lessons about how to weed out Mr. Wrong, alright...but that only left me with more question marks. How would I find the right man?
It was about that time--right about when I found out a man I had been seeing was cheating on me--that a friend suggested I try online dating.
But my friend told me what I had begun hearing from others also. Not only was online dating for everyone in the dating world nowadays, but that a woman could really find an amazing man that way...if she knew how to distance herself from other women online by being more than just a "pretty face".
And shortly thereafter, I remember wondering if online dating was really supposed to be such hard work.
Meet The Right Man Online In 30 Days -- It's not only possible, it's probable,...but you need a plan. I did it, and I'll show you exactly how. Find A Great Man Behind An Average Profile -- Even a man who is a great catch doesn't always have the profile writing thing down. Discover why finding a needle in the proverbial haystack isn't as hard as you may think. Get The Ultimate Profile Makeover -- It's time to make your profile narrative jump off the page and inspire him to write you! I use audio and video to help you experience profile perfection! Magical Profile Pictures...Guaranteed -- Stop him in his tracks with pictures that enchant him...even if you aren't photogenic. Make The First Date Happen -- Go from e-mail, to phone to being asked for a first date...without ever having to push. Pick The Right Dating Site For You -- Make the right choice from the very beginning, and enjoy smooth sailing... Explore How 'Niche' Dating Sites Can Supercharge Your Dating Life -- Now all the research is done for you, thanks to 'insider information' from a world-class expert. The Truth About Online Dating Security -- Find out the realities and the myths once and for all...from two women who should know. Have The Greatest Online Dating Experience Imaginable -- Open the door to possibilities you're almost certain to never have thought about before...thanks to amazing 'secrets' from one of the world's most respected dating experts. Listen In On Real-Life Success -- Hear first-hand what a great online dating experience is supposed to look like.
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Well, not so fast... Sure, there are plenty of guys out there who will respond automatically to even an average picture--perhaps flattering you with empty words in an e-mail.
But you quickly begin to see through their intentions, and their insecurities tend to stand out like a sore thumb.
"Thank you so much for your advice. I do feel more empowered. I appreciated your advice as to enjoying oneself; I've decided to pamper myself a bit and stop worrying about the past, or my actions or age. Thanks and kind regards. Keep inspiring!"
--MaryAnn (Cardiff, Northern Ireland) |
If you are like most women who try online dating, you very quickly discover that there is a very real difference between getting attention and getting the right attention. And it's a profound difference indeed.
Besides, even the flurry of initial attention subsides after a fleeting moment, and you are left with a major realization: Finding a truly great man--the kind who makes your knees weak and your heart flutter--is going to take something extra.
You know there are fantastic men out there, and you also know that there are women online in your very city who are being taken out on fabulous dates by the very sharpest men imaginable.
"We've all seen those great couples who seem to be so much in tune that they can finish one another's sentences. They seem to intuit one another's needs before the other person has to ask. Whether they're at a party or at a parent/teacher conference, they just seem to be so much a unit that the rest of us average mortals can't help but feel a little jealous. Will we ever have that kind of relationship?
If you ask Scot and Emily McKay, the answer is 'yes'.
And you know from the stories you hear on television, by the water cooler at work and perhaps even from your own friends that women really do meet the man of their dreams online.
So how do you get those guys to write to you? In a sea of smiling faces, how is a great man going to select you?
Well, as you've probably guessed a "Glamour Shot"™ and a trite invitation to "holla at your girl" is decidedly not enough to capture the attention of a terrific guy who has real options when it comes to women. Great men may be hard to find, but there are more than you might think on your online dating site in your city...right now.
Set A Roadmap For Success -- Discover exactly what must happen before even thinking about dating success. Be The Woman He'll Commit To -- Think all men are 'commitment phobes'? Guess again... Ignite Sensuality And Attraction -- Be a woman of grace and class...and drive him wild. Meet 'Mr. Right' -- Recognize the perfect man for you when he enters your life. Stay Away From 'Mr. Wrong' -- Stop the endless stream of toxic men from coming and going in your life...forever. Ask The 'Hard Questions' -- Never again chicken out from bringing up the kind of questions that must be asked. Identify And Avoid Cheaters -- Recognize men who are potentially unfaithful and save yourself a world of pain. Erase 'Hidden Detractors' -- Find out why he isn't asking for a second date...the reasons may surprise you. Gain Real Confidence, Self-Esteem And Even Flirt More Effectively -- Finally, real-world practical steps to recognizing your own high-value and getting exactly what you want.
Such a man knows what a great woman looks like. His expectations are high. He respects women and will settle for no less than a woman who meets his exacting standards.
Are you ready to meet that challenge? Are you prepared to deserve the man of your dreams once you meet him on that magical first date?
Well, first of all getting your online presence itself in order is paramount. And the goal is simple: Present yourself as an amazing, vivacious woman who any man would be proud to be with...which you've got to do honestly at all times. No deception allowed!
But wow, you've got to be an English major and a fashion model just to get your profile right, it seems.
Then it's like you practically have to be a Pulitzer Prize winner and a marketing diva just to get men to read your profile, let alone respond to it with a real e-mail instead of just a "wink" (if that).
"Thank you Emily. Your wisdom really helps women like me. Again, thank you."
--Samantha (Windsor, Ontario) |
Plus, you have
to have your decoder ring on to make sure you aren't inadvertently sending "wrong messages" through a medium where non-verbal communication just isn't an option. Unintended sexual "dual meanings" can cause a real nightmare. Ugh!
But here's the good news: Online dating doesn't have to be as hard as it looks...as long as you know the shortcuts to getting it right.
Having experienced overwhelming success online personally (and in a very short amount of time) I'm ready to share exactly what works and what doesn't with you so you can avoid all the headaches and frustration that most women online--even perfectly fantastic ones just like you--go through.
For starters, I've recorded over four hours of foundational audio on exactly how to become the kind of woman who amazes and captivates high-quality men...even as you fine-tune your wisdom when it comes to selecting the right man and avoiding the wrong ones.
"I really like that you encourage people
not to 'settle' because I've even been told by therapists that sometimes you should just settle or 'compromise' which I think is just a nicer
term for settling."
--Brenda (Santa Monica, CA) |
Virtually all of what I am about to share with you took me literally years--and rest assured, plenty of trial and error--to realize for myself. Believe me when I say a lot of hard-earned lessons are about to come to you much more easily than they did for me.
But the end result, becoming a woman who outshines women of lesser character, can have breathtaking effects. And nowhere is this more readily apparent then when you take the plunge and join an online dating site.
That's why I combined all four hours of my very best material on how to be the best woman you can be with over seven more hours of audio specifically devoted to sharing every single secret I have for getting exactly the kind of results you want from online AND offline dating.
From there, I added helpful tools and even videos to help you get every single nuance of what's included. It's all part of your complete plan for online or offline dating success.
It's called Click With Him.
Over Twelve Hours Of Audio AND Video -- Focused programs you can download right away with no waiting. Plus, core audios come with full PDF transcripts. No More Scratched Up CDs -- Take it with you wherever you go...with no worries about lost or damaged discs. Multimedia...Including Video -- Multimedia format maximizes value...and like the audio sessions MPEG videos and written PDFs are ready when you need them. All Future Updates Are Yours -- Click With Him is a dynamic program. As updates are released, you'll be able to download them immediately from your private Member's Area. No Monthly Membership Fees -- Once the program is yours, you'll never be asked to pay another penny to "upgrade".
You see, I believe that the right woman with the right message can realize a level of online dating success that is beyond what most women ever dream of.
What does that mean, exactly?
Well first of all, if you are paying good money to a site that claims to find your soul mate on your behalf based on some personality test, the message I'm passing on to you today could be the most important one you've read in a long time.
Why? Simply put, you no longer have to trust pure luck or fate (let alone some computer) to find your "match". As a woman you have real options.
From now on, you are about to take full control over your dating life. You'll cut through the time-wasting interaction with men you have no interest in, attracting the sharpest men from the very start instead. Along with some very special guests, I'll show you how to make your own wise choices about which men to direct your energy toward. No more "settling".
"I thought that I was dating the right man for me, and thought that I was all 'set'. Well, he and I have broken up (again, most likely for the best). Now I would like to hear your clear, smart, wise advice again! I have rejoined your program, and am ready to truly be 'a woman of true beauty, grace and class', and a woman who deserves the very best man that I will ever meet!"
--Amanda (Grosse Pointe, MI)
From there, my vision is to give you a complete plan for finding a great man online in as little as thirty days.
Although that sounds amazing, if you are a woman who knows what kind of man she wants--and you are getting attention from exactly those kind of guys--thirty days is actually a long time.
It all makes sense when put into plain English, doesn't it?
Once you know everything I have to share with you about how to avoid poisonous guys, maximize time-management skills and even find great men behind apparently "average" online profiles it does make perfect sense.
I met my wonderful husband Scot after only 22 days online, and you'll discover every step that led up to it...each of them fully replicable and easy to follow.
Plus, I'll share all the latest tantalizing ways to meet the perfect guy for you fast that I've discovered since then...all through helping women just like you achieve those great results in their own lives.
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Wouldn't you rather spend quality time with a dashing,
masculine man who knows how to treat you right?
By now you realize that I've put my heart and soul into making Click With Him everything I envisioned it being...and everything you've ever asked for in an advanced series for women.
From the very beginning, I knew that giving you a wealth of amazing secrets about how to find a great man online was bound to be something special. I've looked just about everywhere and haven't found any programs at all for women that cover anything other than the bare essentials regarding online dating.
It seems like most dating experts out there believe that all any woman really needs to do is post a marginally completed profile and hope for the best. And if some random guys e-mail or "wink", that equals "success".
"I really appreciate you....it's like chatting with a familiar girlfriend. Many thanks."
--Denise (Toronto, Ontario) |
But I believe you can accomplish so much more. Since most women haven't yet had access to the kind of information I'm sharing with you in Click With Him, I believe your goal of finding a great man online could be even closer than you think.
With just a bit of extra well-placed effort, I succeeded wildly online and am now passionate about sharing everything I know with you.
And since I'm officially "retired" from online dating now, I have no reason to hold anything back. So finally, with a little help from my friends (and some of Scot's too, even) every secret to being swept off your feet by the kind of man you have always dreamed of meeting has been presented to you in a manner that is not only easy to understand...but easy to transfer into reality in your life.
Not convinced yet? Here's a brief list of the points you'll find covered in Click With Him:
Find out why most online dating sites are actually trying to KEEP YOU FROM finding the right man for you. Know how this dynamic works and STAY FOCUSED.What exactly makes a man select YOUR PROFILE from a sea of others...and what keeps him riveted to EVERY WORD in it.
Simple secrets to GREAT PICTURES that will revolutionize your number of responses...even if you AREN'T PHOTOGENIC at all. When you learn what I share with you, you'll never look at online profile pictures the same EVER AGAIN.
How to easily identify and eliminate men with BAD INTENTIONS who only want to manipulate you or otherwise play games.
Discover the ULTIMATE SECRET of women with amazing self-esteem that keeps men COMING BACK FOR MORE.
The most CRUCIAL MISTAKE that most women make early on in a relationship which causes even GREAT MEN to PULL BACK instead of DRAWING CLOSER.
Use your FEMININE WILES to FLIRT more powerfully and effectively than ever...all without comprising your character or "throwing yourself" at him.
Priceless TIME SAVING tips for weeding out your inbox while making sure NOT TO OVERLOOK the best men who write you.
Amazing ways to get great men to WRITE YOU FIRST without appearing too needy or "forward"...follow this easy step and you will get MAGICAL RESULTS more often than not.
How to communicate that you are a SEXY, ALLURING WOMAN without inviting the wrong guys to send you creepy messages. Getting this right is an ABSOLUTE MUST for success online...yet ALMOST EVERY WOMAN struggles with it.
Worried about becoming a "Webflower"? Learn how to make sure you don't languish online for MONTHS or EVEN YEARS dating MR. WRONG.
Proven ways to SHORTEN the TIMELINE between first e-mail and the first date. Never get "hung out to dry" again.
A nearly FOOLPROOF system for weeding out POISONOUS MEN before you ever even waste your valuable time e-mailing them.
How to be FABULOUS on your FIRST DATES. Say and do all the RIGHT THINGS so that he CAN'T WAIT to see you again!
Everything you've ever wanted to know...and didn't even know HOW TO ASK...regarding ONLINE DATING SECURITY.
Overcome all your HESITATIONS about online dating. Start off with the RIGHT ATTITUDE and meet the man you DREAM OF.
How to get yourself in the mood to create a GREAT PROFILE. Upon doing so, watch the right words flow forth naturally like you've NEVER IMAGINED.
How to avoid a HORRIBLE MISTAKE that could spell TOTAL DISASTER before you even START online dating.
Follow my simple plan and you'll find a great man online in RECORD TIME. Don't you dare buy a ONE YEAR MEMBERSHIP to an online dating site!
...and MUCH, MUCH more.
So let's cover all the important details, just to be sure...
By now, I'm sure you're every bit as excited about the release of Click With Him as I am.
Here's What You Get:
12 core audio programs in MP3 formatFull transcript / notebooks for all 12 core audios
6 more co-hosted audio programs in MP3 format
Both full-length profile tutorial videos in convenient streaming Flash, iPad-friendly MOV and full HD MPEG4 formats
Each powerful extra-value BONUS (which I'll tell you about in a bit)
Full, unlimited 24/7/365 access to the Member's Area from anywhere in the world
Instant and complete access to all future additions to the program as soon as they're released...without any expiration date.
And here's what's probably the most amazing part, given the immense amount of value I've already packed into Click With Him: I have personally reserved a copy for you at the special price of $300 $197...
That's far less than what just one hour of one-on-one coaching time with me usually costs, yet I'm delivering twenty distinct multimedia sections of pure, uninterrupted content...all squarely focused on introducing you to the dashing prince of a man you've always known that you deserved and living happily ever after with him.
What's more, you can buy with 100% confidence. We use highly respected Plimus.com for secure, efficient order fulfillment. Using your private login you always have total control over your account...including the payment and refund processes.
This also means that you can download Click With Him today and be listening, watching and/or reading along on your computer or iPad without waiting for shipping.
When you place your order, I'll personally send you a welcome message in which I'll give you the keys to the Member's Area, where you'll have full access to everything you expect to find. What's more, you'll continue to have access 24 hours a day, seven days a week...whenever is convenient for you.
And as new updates are released, you'll have full access to those also--in real-time.
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Nevertheless, I'm going to share with you all of the secrets to dating success that will make bad dates a lot less likely to happen in your life.
If you are a modern woman who is too busy to go all over the place specifically to meet men, and you aren't into the bar and club scene, then online dating can be your ticket to an amazing social life full of excitement and fun in the company of a fantastic man. And enjoying the luxury of hearing from men you actually might want to meet--all from the comfort of your own home--is just unbeatable.
You've no doubt already realized that just one bad date where you got stuck picking up the check again could cost you more than this program.
Ultimately, Click With Him is not only the most effective plan for online dating success you will find anywhere, it's the only one that is this complete.
And certainly, your ability to apply so much of what's included to your offline world adds extra value and so much depth to what I have to share with you.
Forget about all of the frustration that so many other women feel when it comes to meeting the right kind of man in today's crazy world. Click With Him is only minutes away...
Why wait even a minute longer to do something very real that could finally mean attracting the greatest man you've ever met into your life?
"I'm thrilled to have other buddies out there who share a similar passion and viewpoint on all this fun stuff :) " --Marie Forleo (The Good Life, Inc.) |
I have pulled out all the stops in making my new program the absolute most heart felt and genuinely helpful one you've ever experienced. That way there are no disappointments. I stand behind that promise with every fiber of my being, and every copy of Click With Him comes with the comfort of my:
The information I am about to share with your is like none other, and you have no risk thanks to my 100% money back guarantee. And my goal is to make it incredibly easy for you to have it for your very own.
So with that in mind, I'm going so far as to offer six bonuses as my personal gift to you:
BONUS #1--The Book On Speed Dating, by Ramon Thomas and Camilla LloydRamon and Camilla are dating experts from South Africa. In this e-book they share a wealth of information about speed dating that covers just about anything you could possibly ever ask about.
If you have never been to a speed dating event but have thought about trying it (like everyone else these days it seems), you'll learn what to expect from your first speed dating adventure along with plenty of amazing tips and strategies.
This book is a $20 value by itself, but I'm giving it away absolutely free with Click With Him. Consider yourself prepared to speed date!
BONUS #2--Calling Men, by Mimi Tanner (Preview Version)
Mimi Tanner is simply one of the best when it comes to writing to women on the art of finding and keeping a great man. She has become well-known on a global scale in a relatively short time. Why? Because she covers highly in-demand subjects with a flair and disarming friendliness that is unequalled.
Her book Calling Men is truly a magnum opus when it comes to dealing with one of the most frustrating problems women face in the dating world: How to handle calling, emailing and text messaging men.
You know the feeling as I do, I'm sure. You want to give him every opportunity to call you first, but you also want 100% control over your dating life. What to do? In this excerpt from her book, Mimi offers some logical steps that are a blast to read.
Take this rare opportunity to get a preview glimpse of Mimi's top-notch book (which itself is literally packed with info).
BONUS #3--How To Write Great Personal Ad Headlines, by Robert Lee
Join Robert Lee from the wildly popular dating advice site ALoveLinksPlus.com for an entertaining yet highly enlightening look at the good and the bad when it comes to online dating profile headlines.
There's really no doubt about it, is there? Getting your headline just right is one of the most challenging tasks when it comes to creating a profile. If you're like most women, being confronted with what to write in that space is a sure-fire cause for 'writer's block' right from the start.
Well, you'll never have to worry about that ever again. Robert gives you step-by-step instructions that make everything easy. Your headline really is your first impression, so make it great!
BONUS #4--How To Attract And Marry The Man Of Your Dreams, by Terry Hernon MacDonald (Preview Version)
If you haven't experienced Terry MacDonald's blog 'Happy Girl Musing', you should. Her writings about love, relationships and living happily ever after are not only straight-forward and inspiring, they're often sure to bring a smile to your face as well.
Terry believes that the world is full of excellent men and too many women settle for substandard ones. She wrote an e-book detailing how women can attract the man of their dreams through the Law of Attraction.
That book is titled How To Attract And Marry The Man Of Your Dreams, and now you're in for a special treat. Terry has agreed to offer you the unique chance to gain some amazing insight from this special excerpt from her book, which is devoted to empowering women just like you with the clarity, wisdom and confidence to find a great man--and marry him.
BONUS #5--Scot And Emily McKay's "Rapid Fire" Audio ProgramScot and I recently recorded seventy-two audio dating tips, all in rapid-fire succession. So what better name for this fast-paced program than Rapid Fire?
We'd tell you to keep a pencil and paper handy, but the information keeps coming at you way too fast for that. A full six dozen segments covering just about every dating issue or scenario you can think of are included.
What's most unique about this program however, besides the lightning-round pace of it, is the simple elegance of getting both the male and female perspective on every topic. Nowhere else have you ever heard so many dating subjects covered this comprehensively.
BONUS #6--Monthly Membership: Keys To Bliss For Women (Optional)Keys To Bliss For Women transcends mere tips and tricks, instead preparing you to be the woman who deserves the very greatest man you've ever met.
If you are ready to stop the endless cycle of dating "Mr. Wrong", Keys To Bliss is for you. Every month, I'll bring you a wealth of resources specially selected to help fast-track your transformation into a woman who deserves the very best. Wherever you are today, reinvent yourself into a woman who enjoys what few ever will--the rush of knowing you are with the highest quality man in the room wherever you go.
Enjoy special full-length audio programs, e-books, special reports, and much more...including special gifts from some of our friends.
Best of all, you get unlimited e-mail access to me personally. Send me your dating and relationship questions, and expect a thoughtful answer in return. It's like having me right there with you every step of the way. Discover Keys To Bliss today, and never look back!
With your order of Click With Him, you'll have the opportunity to join the Keys To Bliss For Women inner circle. We won't bill you until the end of the first month and subsequent months are just $19.95 each. As you would expect, Keys To Bliss For Women comes with an unconditional 365 day warranty and you can easily cancel at any time simply by logging into your account.
This and every X & Y Communications purchase is guaranteed for a full year. If you do not see results, we don't get paid. It's as simple as that. You even have full control over the entire process thanks to Plimus.com...no games.
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Are the men you are meeting (online or anywhere else) falling way short of your expectations?
If your answer to either or both of these questions is "not even close", then you owe it to yourself to finally discover the kind of blissful experience that can be yours when the right guy is in your life...and it can all happen much sooner than you guess.
And if listening to my program changes your life even in a small way when it comes to actually meeting and attracting the men whose pictures you see online at the top of your search results, how much is that worth to you?
For most, such a valuable transformation is worth more than all the diamonds in Hollywood. In fact, living the charmed life that those happy women who are wildly successful at online dating enjoy is a priceless concept.
"I'm learning so much. I'm becoming a better quality of prospect for those who encounter me. I'm also learning how to get over my 'fear' of success (lol). In other words, I'm learning to be more confident as I communicate with a man whom I never before would have dreamed could be interested in me. Kind regards, and please keep up the great work."
--Andrea (Miami, FL) |
Remember, I guarantee you will see dramatic changes. I can do so confidently, having seen first hand the kind of results that prove what I'll show you in Click With Him really, really can and will work for you!
I'm completely confident that you'll enjoy a new level of personal choice when it comes to men you select the company of. And ultimately, my vision is that you'll find the greatest man you've ever met and choose to spend a fulfilling lifetime with him.
I've watched my dreams come true...and now it's your turn.
And I'm convinced that's the very best reason of all why Click With Him will forever represent a turning point in your life. Today is the day to make a decision to make your dreams happen...for real this time.
So order today...without any risk, only the potential for immeasurable return. Make no mistake: I want you to have the most fulfilling and blissful life possible, culminating in maximum online dating success and the joy it brings to have a great man in your life.
I look forward to delivering your copy of Click With Him to you today.
P.S. Click With Him is something I am TRULY PASSIONATE about. I've met the man of my dreams online, and GUARANTEE you can and will also...
P.P.S. Remember, you can listen to the main audios AND read along with full transcripts...included at no extra charge.
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